
SILVER CROSS PHURPA – The Phurba is a three-sided stake that is used in Buddhist rituals. “The lower blade of the Phurba is said to represent method or “skillful means” while its upper handles wisdom. It is a ritual dagger which symbolizes the slaying of obstruction in Tibetan Community. It is used against evil spirits by the tantric practioner.


Prestigious Stones Used are Emerald, Ruby and the Semi Prestigious Stones used are Coral, crystal.

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CROSS SILVER PHURPA is made of silver body and prestigious stones and semi prestigious stones. It is a Weapon used by the Vajrayana Buddhist. In other words, from a purely “symbolic function” point of view, the Phurba represents the activity and wrath of all the Buddhas.

Prestigious Stones Used are Emerald, Ruby and the Semi Prestigious Stones used are Coral, crystal.

Additional information

Dimensions 27.94 × 55.88 cm

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